Solid Food for your Baby is a big challenge to parents and a causes anxiety and fear. Although fraught with such challenges this stage of feeding can be a fun, messy, surprising, rewarding, frustrating and hilarious experience. Eating and sleeping are two of parent’s greatest preoccupation during the first year of a child’s life. While sleeping is out of a parent’s direct control, feeding is entirely and literally in your hands.
All parents desire to give their babies the greatest possible start and there is no better way than to feeding them the most nutritious and delicious foods possible. While natural home-made food may be the most nutritious and wholesome options, that is not an option for most parent. So many busy mums may not have the time and energy and resources to prepare such foods.
toddler and healthy breakfast
A Childs’s meals prepared in your own kitchen may be the much easier and less time consuming that you might think. As a parent your greatest priority is ensuring that your baby has everything she needs to be happy, healthy and safe. In the first years of your child, a well-balanced diet of fresh, nourishing food serves as the foundation for many years to come, providing the building blocks for both short term and long term development. By preparing your baby’s food at home you ensure that they get everything they need and nothing they don’t—namely hydrogenated fats, sugars and oils as well as potentially harmful chemicals in the form of flavourings, dyes, pesticides and preservatives.
You will also find that homemade meals generally taste better that store-bought packaged food. This tends to be so because commercial packed/canned food is heated at extremely high temperatures in order to extend their shelf life, a process that unfortunately diminishes flavour, flavour and even some vital nutrients along with bacteria. Relying on pre-packaged foods can also deprive your baby of much needed variety because of highly perishable ingredients that are rarely found in non-refrigerated sections of the supermarket.