003 – God Himself Is With Us

Composer : Joachim Neander, 1680 (1650 - 1680), Author: Gerhard Tersteegen, 1729

God Himself is with us;
Let us all adore Him,
And with awe appear before Him.
God is here within us;
Soul, in silence fear Him,
Humbly, fervently draw near Him.
Now His own who have known God,
In worship lowly,
Yield their spirits wholly.

Come, abide within me;
Let my soul, like Mary,
Be Thine earthly sanctuary.
Come, indwelling Spirit,
With transfigured splendor;
Love and honor will I render.
Where I go here below,
Let me bow before Thee,
Know Thee and adore Thee.

Gladly we surrender
Earth’s deceitful treasures,
Pride of life and sinful pleasures:
Gladly, Lord, we offer
Thine to be forever,
Soul and life and each endeavor.
Thou alone shall be known
Lord of all our being,
Life’s true way decreeing.

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